Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Algae Infestation (I want my Krabby Patty Secret Formula!!!!!) [ Got a clue what type of algae the pond is infested in]
Right...the solutions.
1. The pond might have too small a pump/filter.
Remark: I'm not sure if this solution is possible as I had never seen the blueprints for the pond.
2.The pond is under full sunlight.
Remark: Obviously this is one of the reasons for the algae growth as the pond is under full sun at all times.
3.The pond is very shallow around the edges or water does not circulate in it.
Remark: I'm not sure if the pond is that shallow around the edges but from that day's observations, the water level had dropped by about 3cm. Water Circulation could be a possibility as I don't think a part of the school janitor's contract is ' Take Large Pole and Swirl pond Water Every day at 6pm ( try to kill as little tadpoles and guppies as possible)'
Thanks for reading my suggestions and will post picture of pie soon.*mumbles* "Now where do I get a pie..."
Monday, April 28, 2008
Pond Algae
Having a proper balance of plants and fish is an important factor. Fifty to seventy percent of the surface of the pond should be covered with plants. This will block the sunlight from reaching the bottom of the pond, and sunlight is what algae feeds off.
Submerged plants will also help slow down algae growth as they help balance the nutrients in your pond. Fish create bacteria and algae is more likely to grow in bacteria filled environments, in fact algae feeds off on fish excrement, so don’t have more fish then your pond can hold and don’t overfeed your fish.
Try using a UV sterilizer or a chemical treatment to get rid of algae.
algae is formed because of (needs) high temperatures, sunlight, warmth, stagnant water, things to let it grow on and carbon dioxide.
Because the plants at the bottom cannot make food (may be due to too many floating plants ) no rain...cold temperatures ... ... the plants cannot photosynthesise .. and thus not enough oxygen for fishes /tapoles and all on surface of pond ... and because of too many floating plants ... the plants that are fully submerged and cannot photosynthesize and it will have more carbon dioxide for algae to grow ...
solution: (ignore the problem ... he hex )
jun jie said put sucker fish
can also put algae eaters
tell mr sam (just kidding , can't think of anything else )
pluck out some floating plants ..
The Algae Problem.
1. Add in prawns as they eat algae( very SLOW!!)
2. Add a sucking fish( if possible i donate mine)
3. Add in air pump/Filter(need electicity)
4. Use chemical( Able to buy from fish shop)
5. Add a UV light sterilliser( Very EXPENSIVE! And need electicity!)
6. Add covering to block direct sunlight
Algae growth need 3 key factors:
1. Strong sunlight(we have that)
2. Lots of Food like fish poo, thus creating ammonia( food for algae)
3. Carbon dioxide(the pond does not have enough oxygen)
Hope this would help............
master chief loves friends
anybody by the name of WESLEY AU please decode this:it is ok wes i am sorry too.but whats the meaning of"plight"?
algae algae and more algae!!!
-lots of sunshine (above 39 degree celsiuos)
-stagnant water
well, i think that the algae did not grow rapidly it is just that we did not discover it. I said that, because the condition seems unfavourable, the teperature within these few days is lower than 39 degree celsious about 32 to 35 degree celsious. But stagnant water is provided for the algae to grow as there is no raining for the past few days.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Nirmal Kumar
Friends are great!
I cope with big upsets or little upsets by calming down, thinking of what had just happened and then going to my friend to apologise. Its not very easy to say sorry, but if we are really in the wrong, we should do it no matter what, as we wont feel good without doing it.
A good friend to me is well, staying by your side when you are down, trying to cheer you up, rather than running you down and always discouraging you. One who cares about you, helps you, one who can keep secrets for you and not tell anyone, one who supports you up when you fall. And of course, when we quarrel, its better that we could get back together as friends again.
grade 1.
In that level, I met my first best friend. His name was Alexander Ringrose (short form would be Alex Ringrose) an Australian. He was one of those kind of guys that had probably anti-girl spray all over himself and with crusty snot all over his nose and who drank yogurt for lunch leaving him with a white moustache.
Well, during recess,we would just walk around, find some girls to play pranks on and then running away from a bunch of mad girls laughing our head off at the same time. (Back then I was a total devil). At other times, we would be so bored lazy that we would pop into the school libary and doodle on the scrap paper and make them into paper airplanes to throw around. But of course, in friendship there is sure to be some ups and downs!
A very perfect example would be the time when I was first introduced to soccer. I would stroll into the soccer field to join a game or get my teeth knocked off. But then, Alex couldn't follow me because of his brittle bones. Then he would whine about it and then it will get real 'emo'. But being good friends, we were able to patch up the holes in our friendship and become good friends again.
BUT, just as we were becoming super good friends, I recieved a piece of very devastating news.
My best friend was going back to his home country. Back then, I felt like breaking down and crying till the end of the world. But, as the saying goes, you gotta move on in life! So I said my final goodbyes and moved on.
It didn't stop there though.
grade 3
I met my second best friend, and his name was Gabriel. Unlike Alex, he was from Hong Kong. And, he was a total maths genius - plump with stubby legs and quite weird - a soccer whiz. He also had a squeaky vioce but the best thing was that we took the same school bus! Then, we waged a mini war with my brother and his friend almost every day. But as people also say, your friends will influence you. True enough, he turned me into an angel! (except for my chinese heehee) He was like a grade 1 friend. Those who would stay with you through good and bad days.
But then, it was my turn to leave the school.
So here I am, in Singapore, studying in a government school. I conclude that you got to know how to pick your friends. Advice? Don't befriend people who always pick on you or alway try to harm you. Go for those friends who defend you from bullies no matter what and help you in your studies. And of course, if you quarrel with your best friend, don't unleash your anger straight at him - even better, reason out with him. Best still, be friends with those who are total angels! They will help you in your life and act as a big brother to you.
Hate to confess - I haven't met any friend like that yet.
So whatever you do, remember friendship is important!
Friendship = You and I
I had a great friend whom I met after road-crossing duty in p5. Jolene. She was often misunderstood and we were almost polar opposites. ButI liked her and a bond almost
too strong to break was formed. Many tried to severe this bond without knowing it and Jolene became confused
I managed to keep her together with a new person included. Winona. A great friend. But they were a bit too oblivious of my feelings.
This year, A hurricane has arrived. Jolene hangs out with new friends. Everyone else too. I became alone but they didn't realise. Somehow, my resistance of letting go went on a max. Now, The ones whom I trust the most are: Lindsey, Taranee, Jamie and Jolene.
How do you cope with the little upsets or the big upsets?
I take a deep breath and try to calm down. My record of angryness was 12 hours. I most probably act like nothing happened sine saying sorry is a difficult thing for me. I love my friends and I can never be too far from them.
I sometimes cry and give them the silent treatment but I can never ever not say sorry to them. Never. A bit harsh but still, that's my own unique personality.
What is a good friend to you?
A good friend. One who understands and gives advice. One who doesn't make fun of you. One who cares for you. One who'll be there when you need them. One who you can spill your secret and problems, worries, stories, past without having to worry if they'll blackmail you. One who influences you to good and not bad things. And most of all, one who YOU understand and she/he can do all those to you without them worrying about anything.
Your best friend may be right beside you but you do not notice. One may want to be your friend but you do not notice. Your best friend may not be human. A pet or even a non-living thing can be your closest companion there is.
I'm still learning about true friendship so, for now, what I'm saying may not me right and may be very harsh to some.
friendships,friend or foe?
When i was younger,i had gone to 2kindergarten.Reason is that i had move house.When i went to my new kindergarten, i was very afraid. I didn't talk the whole lesson and was almost about to cry.During our recess,my class pupil was super friendly!!! They were all like:Can i be your friend???.I was so shocked by what i said,i had actually said:I only friend girls. Then,after time pass,everyone had forgotten i had said that and i friend everyone.I can't believe i said that!As i grow older,i will start to be less sociable,which means,i only have a few best friends.Usually my partner.
How do you cope with the little upsets or the big upsets?
Usually, i will ignore the person that had made me upsets.If i am really upset,i might even shout at THAT person.I had never been angry for MORE than 1 day yet.I have this best friend named ___________ and she and I always quarrel! I don't know why,but we remain as best friends like since P2.She is super sarcastic and sometimes irritating.Sometime i blow up at her and she will be like,giving that i-don't-care look. So,_________ and I are still friends now.Little upsets or big upsets should NOT ruin your friendship. No matter how major/minor it is!
What is a good friend to you?
A good friend to me is someone who is always with you,for good or bad things and friend you for who you are.They will cheer you up when you are upset and always be there to give you a smile.Frankly, i don't understand why can't someone be your good friend if they are bad.I mean,if they don't influence you but you influence them instead??Friendship can NEVER be forgotten and thats why no one can seperate them no matter how hard they try.They will share everything with you.
Thats what i think friendship is.And if i was alittle harsh with my words.I apologise!
So CHERISH your friendship every second !
Friends....good,bad or just a sick joke?
From: Wesley Au
Friends..........why is it good? well for starters they can give you a shoulder to cry on when you need it and they can give you support through your darkest hours.However,those are the good friends and finding one is like looking for a gold nugget in a coal mine.Sure you may think that just by looking for that winning shine will get you a gold nugget,BUT that so called "gold" may be just a yellow stone that will eventually lose its shine and colour.I KNOW that i have found many yellow stones in my life here is the worst one.
Shawn. (former P5 friend) Category: Backstabber and blackmailer.
He was a confused boy,upset and lonely from being transferred to this school.I extended my hand of friendship and he took it........before twisting it and casting it away.I thought I have found a true friend and look what happened.I gave him my prize game account........he used it to blackmail me.I asked him,"Why Shawn,WHY??!" and he looked at me with those cold,nfeeling eyes and said,"Because I wanted to."Luckily he is no longer in this school.This person is utterly merciless,he will repeatedly bend you against your will.Like he did too mine....
What is a Good friend? Friendly? no. Rich? no. Understandable? YES!
a good friend does not even need to be friendly!As long as he is there to support you and to understand you,THAT IS ENOUGH!!! (Just like my enemy/friend circle with Ernest)
REAL friends are all around us. Its just that we have too rub aways the layer of dust on the gold piece too make it REALLY shine!So friends,what is now your enemy today could actually be your friend tomorrow!True friends can be anyone,your pet dog,your parents even your teacher!
But although there are friends all around us,we must remember that we live for OURSELVES not for our friends!So if you ever find yourself in the clutches of someonelike shawn remember this little snippet of information.It could help you someday
Wesley Au.
If you are called by the name of "MANFRED" decode the bottom part.
I"m sorry and i konw that all my apologies will not work but i am truely and thoroughly sorry and regretful for your current plight......
Friends Or No Friends?
we all love to make friends when we are young.The more we have,the more merrier we are.Whether they are boy or girl,we are happy with whom we make friends with. but if the friends dislikes us,most likely we will cry. As we get older,we let our emotions takeover, we make friends with the same gender and feel shy to get close with the opposite gender.You will wonder why does it feels that why making friends with the same gender will still make you feel lonely.It is the fact that you still miss your old friends,whether they are male or female. We all should not be afraid, just make friends!but not any o' how.Choose carefully...the one who is willing to go all the way through with you.whether good or bad times.True friends are the key to your happiness!
How do you cope with the little upsets or the big upsets?
We all usually disagree with something and you or your friend will start bickering and comes to the situation where you and your friend's friendship is over.We start to feel the anger and may think "argh!he never listens to me!!!!" and later on you start to feel that you are at fault so you would feel heartbroken and want to patch up your friendship again.All you have to do is just apologise and say you should not have done that and you and your friends will forget this day and continue to be friends again!
What is a good friend to you?
A good friend is basically a good friend who wants to help you with your troubles,shares with you everything they can and goes through with you all the time.They forgive you for most of the things you have done to them and have quite alot of patience when they are with you.They calm you down when you are furious and defend you when you are quarreling with someone else.They stick with you like super glue during the good and bad times!!!=-)
Friendship (sekwon)
I do not really show my upset accept when it is serious. Even it is serious, i try to calm myself not to show my feelings as it might be very rude. Actually I do not really understand why some of us could not cope their own upset. i will just try to think of somthing funny or the day which i had my favorite time such as going to some island with my friend which I had written earlier or computer game.
My good friend, i usully enjoy play someone who usually not very naughty but when met, became evil like all my best friend do. I also like to play who is funny or do not easily cry as it will be frustrate if they do not stop crying. Next, i don really likes to play who is bad as sports as it will be boring just stay at home playing computer game. Lastly, i like to play who is active and who enjoy playing with me.
From young,we did not know how to tell a good or a bad friend, so we just make friends with the first person we see.But as we grow older, we can tell good or bad and soon starts to choose friends. At around P5, we start to stick to a group of friends, ignoring others and choosing the ones we want only.
How do you copewithe the little upsets or the big upsets?
Many of us may start to say this, " I don't be your friend already!" or even start to fight and ignore each other. But, we should just treat that little/big accident as a dream(or someting) and continue the next day as friends again.
What is a good friend to you?
A good friend is one that comes to you when you are in the time of need. They stick by your side most of the times and help you with your troubles. They confort you when you are down. Even if we quarrel, we will get back together and be friends again
When we are young, we make lots of friends unknowingly. Maybe it's because we are not shy, and very comfortable with many people. But we may forget our true friends many times in our lives. When we change school, we will usually lose contact with many many many friends. But we can make new ones. But we do miss our old friends sometimes. Many people come in and out of our lives. Only those who leave behind their footprints are true friends. Many people usually make friends by looking at their ' popularity','wealthiness'. etc. But they NEVER care about thier personalities. They do not care a thing about their politeness. Because they just want to be well-known. Its like packaging. An apple may look good outside. But in the inside, it is rotten with many worms. So choose your friends carefully. So you will not regret it next time. Its fate whom bring us together so.. DONT LOSE TRUE FRIENDS !
How do you cope with the little upsets or the big upsets?
This is an excellent question for many of us. As we are sometimes short-tempered and this may cause us to lose many good friends aroung us easily. We can cope with big or little upsets by calming down. Do not explode immediately when it comes to any of this situation. Try to stay calm, think about it and talk with your friends nicely. If things do not work out, you may have to think about your friendship. Though not everyone is a friend. There are oso may people out there trying to harm you by pretending to be a friend to you.
What is a good friend to you?
A good friend should help you in times of need. You should also help them too. Good friends are always there by your side when you are in trouble. They share your wealth and woe with you. They share their things with you, help you when you need help, comfort you when you are sad, help you talk things out with others, calm you down when you are angry and share your excitement when you are excited. Friends do not run away when you are in trouble, instead, they will stay beside you and help you.
Remember words from a true friend," I will always be there for you."
Friendship is strong yet delicate, it can be easily broken.
Cherish all your friends before its too late !
my friendship
friend-sinking-ship /friend-floating-ship
From young … we make a lot of friends... Since kindergarten, when I was around let me think … K1, we were still ignorant and we normally make friends by their out look, just like packaging e.g. U look at food placed in front of you, looks totally delicious, but it is all a fake, it uses coloring… we see if this person is pretty or handsome, they will be surrounded by ‘friends’. They do not care about their personalities but their appearances. Until now, some of us still make friends this way .I still remember I was like that too .but when I was K2 I knew this person,charmaine, she was very sweet-looking .she was surrounded , and after some time of following her, I felt that actually , she is pretty but she is bossy . And she is also very petty. But I also have true friends, you can say that Shu Wen and Su Fang are pretty, but we are always very friendly and happy together .it is the happiness that I cannot have when I play with charmaine. It is actually the personality inside that count. Never judge a book by its cover..? When we grow older, I still remember this person (don’t know how to spell her name, suppose it is) lavania.an Indian person. Not pretty and not only that. She is the worst person that I know .she is totally annoying. I always quarrel with her. An irritating person she is . As I grow older, during P3 (can’t recall P 2) I had many friends, and it was Mrs .... who was teaching us. I was sobbing, I only know that the true friends were those that came forward to ask if I was okay. I could not remember what had happened in P4 but I remembered P5 …! How I miss those days in P5 grace , I made a lot of friends ,and they are still my good friends .I know this girl,winona,she is my best friend ever …! And Jolene too! She is pretty and I want to make friends with her. And we became good friends she was very caring and always plays together .lots of fun…! But, now when you have gone through so many friendships, we learnt what the ‘real’ is and ‘fake’ friendships .and we eventually will not get hurt so easily.
How do you cope with the little upsets or the big upsets?
Normally, I don’t get so angry until I look like I am going to murder someone. But when I get really very angry, I will clench my fists and bite my nails and think, and stare into space. I will hold something really tight. The last time I was angry, a few days ago, I was so angry I ignored that person who made me so angry. I was fuming and I took out my journal book and wrote on it. And pressing the pen very hard on the paper. I also have my own diary at home, mostly written on memorable days.
What is a good friend to you?
A good friend is one that cares about you, one that takes care of you when you are in trouble, one who is willing to sacrifice for you. One who loves you deeply and one you can share your secrets with. that is what I feel as I am able to do this for my best friend and we don’t really quarrel, and friends makes one happy and not lonely. One who understands you inside out and one whom you can speak to and listen to. Friendship is a great thing! a friend does not control you and be selfish and have went to your house before ,hang out together before ,and lets you have freedom and have fun together ,like twins, eat together, laugh together, play together drink together and do things together.whom you are very open to . Whom you will miss when he/she is not around.
This is from my experience and my own friends.
Such is life,
Accept it.
Treasure your friendships, have fun together, while you still can! Enjoy it!
(ha ha)
my friendship
I remembered one time when we knew our result for SA1. i accidentally told one of my friends the wrong marks. he was very very angry, and because of the 1 mark, we quarrel. u may think that we were very petty,because of that 1 mark, we quarrel. After we quarrel i thought about it, why can't i just say a word 'SORRY' and everything will be fine, but it was sooo difficult because we frequently quarrel and although he is in the wrong i always take a step back and say a word 'SORRY'. when i was in the wrong i said sorry, but when he is in the wrong i said sorry too because i don't wish to quarrel. but this time i can't take it why he can't take a step back and say a word sorry? So i cried, my friends came and console me and i told them i was fine. 'OK, don't let the emotional takes over me', i thought to myself and i said sorry!! and it was all fine, in fact i and him got closer!!!
when one of my friends birthday, we would celebrate together. Giving her/him a surprise or present, we even went to their house to celebrate. i remember when the end of the year we went to shopping together! It was sooooo FUN, that i will not forget. We always wanted to go to the same class the next year(primary 6), but unfortunately, we did not. some of them in 6 Truth, 6 Unity and 6 Joy, and of course me in 6 Grace! At first, i don't wish to be in 6 Grace i wanted to be in 6Truth!!! But when i entered 6 grace the next year, it changed, i LOOOVE 6 Grace!!! it was soooo fun. i thought although we were all not the same class, we will meet during recess and chat. At first it was like that, but we all have our new friends. i took up basketball and i played almost every recess. Now i regret it, i should not have took up basketball and leave them behind. and my friends gone recess with their new friends.
I really hope that they will see this post and maybe we can return to the past and cherish the time we had together.
Low Heng Yi (6 grace)
Saturday, April 26, 2008
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.......ok, scrap Ugly. Say...erm....Facially Challenged.
Awww, gee, this is sure hard.
....at P1 and P2, everybody is really close and friendly,which now , to me, seems quite creepy. Anyway, nobody actually knew how to judge good friends at that age, so for some people, they made really BAD mistakes in choosing chums and for some lucky midgets *quote* it was the beginning of a beautiful friendship*cough*
At P3 & P4, things start 2 get rough and some girls experience puberty at this age, which makes them quite , for some, matriarch-like and emo, ordering others around. Some more cowardly boys get scared and hide in the deep pits of the mind and become more cowardly. ( Luckily, that minority does not include me)People have better judgement of others and leave some pals behind, having only Class 2 friends (will explain more in section 3 about Grouping).
Enter P5 & P6.Only the fittest survive.Get ready to be betrayed, yelled at ,hit and insulted by your so-called 'friends'.Keep only Class 1 s (Again, more in section 3)
2. How do you cope with the little upsets or the big upsets?
I usually get my retribution the next day by a prank or a rude joke, or raise my voice or just be plain moody the whole day.
Another option is to listen to the Halo Trilogy theme songs. I switch on my Xbox 1 ( this was during my P4-P5 years) and pop in a Halo 1 or Halo 2 disc and plug in my headphones. I would just let the game be idle at the main menu and listen to the theme song music thingy which I found, strangely, quite soothing.I now listen to it on the Computer. Saves me lots more hassle.
3. What is a good friend to you?
The long-awaited section3.I Classify friends as Class1, Class2 and Class3 friends, classified as best chums 2 people you should never EVER have set your blessed eyeballs on respectively.
An acquaintance that you despise for personal reasons and mix with bad company.In short,2 words: NOT GOOD.Break-up immediately.Trust me. I've been through this several times.
'Average Friends', a quote from good ol' Manfred.People you use as daily convenience stores for calling about anything you forgot to note down at school.You would'nt want 2 bother your Class1 friends with this too much.(1 time a week is ok)Friends that you want to keep close, but not too close, better 2 have more allies than enemies.
These are good friends. They stick by your side and never let ya down , day and night. They don't explode and scream about an accidental rude remark and would have invited you to their house by now. People that are actually are sensitive to your feelings and know when to give you some space when needed.They treat you well and you'd better do the same.
I always admired her and soooo wanted to be best buddies but somehow...
I don't know why we always ended up bickering!!
Once she made me so mad by saying something nasty about my dad (as my family was poor when I was young). That day, I literally went berserk and threw my desk on the floor ( I know it was already on the floor - I mean topple it over).
I still remember my geography teacher came to calm me down as I was crying hysterically - really not about that comment but because of days of little incidents - but that was the comment that set me off.
I also blurted out some hurtful comments.
After that day, life resumed as normal but we were no longer good friends. In my heart, I let go not because of the comments but because I made the decision that we were not good for each other and I moved on although we still talked to each other.
Once she told me she had also been jealous of me - Me ... shorter, not so pretty, awfully useless at sports - specially volleyball!
Well life is like that! I have no more bad feelings for my 'once-friend'. I learnt that I must not expect the world of a friend and rush friendship. Friendship can only grow when we give it time - it is a slow mover - it hates to be rushed and .... sometimes it doesn't happen no matter what we do because it's not meant to be!
Such is Life. Accept it.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
All about speed -maths
eventually drawing a speed model made me visualize a speed question faster.It also made me save time instead of wasting time by reading a question over and over again. ~.~ ^.^
Maths Maths Speed
ok.this is not hard because speed is mainly about
km/h , m/min,cm/sec .
To know what i have learn about speed is not hard,
but it is hard, when i have to apply it on problem sums and so on.
Still, i am willing to try and solve the problem for it.
Was this method of learning effective?
yes, i get to test this speed lesson out on our self and understand the concept of it.
How did the hands-on lessons help in solving word problems on speed?
it helps when we have to solve similar question on it.
Which happens quite often.
Speed [Maths]
Maths on speed

Speed- Distance / Time
Time- Distance / Speed

I learnt that speed is written in KM/H ,M/MIN and CM/S,
Distance is measured by Speed X Time taken,
Speed is measured by Distance travelled divided by Time taken,
Time taken is measured by Distance travlled divided by Speed,
And most speed questions are done with models.
Was this method of learning effective?
Yes.It makes speed questions much easier to solve.
How did the activities help you connect Speed to word problems?
The running activites we did outside( Race, Collision Course......)were helpful and informative.It also helped me to under stand these types of Speed word problems better.
that Mrs Chien gave us but after a few explanations my team members gave me i understood it, and now I know average speed = total distance divide by total time
maths is cool
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Maths (speed )
Speed can be measured in many different ways. Examples: cm/s, m/min, km/h
We usually use km/h.
The method that we use in running was totally cool and fun !!I love to see how we run and who run faster.
The hands-on experiment made me understand more than the textbook could tell me.At first, I found speed hard and complicated.But the experiment we did was so helpful. I got confused when we did speed combined with other topics. But I got clear and understood.At first I found it hard to mingle with speed questions. But I know how to draw speed models,distance model and time model. I thought I hated maths when I went to primary four. But I am starting to like it again !
funs way for learning maths
The other chapters like ratio and money is easy. The excercise You had given us was somehow hard and somehow very easy compare to korean maths so i will need to try hard to improve my maths and achieve my 95 for PSLE mark.
Feedback on maths
experience.I liked the running best of all. I hope thaat there will be more activities that will make life in this class a more memorable and enriching year.
2nd posting for this year.Im sorry if anything goes wrong
Feedback on speed
Saturday, April 05, 2008
tata nano runs on compressed air still unkown..
Friday, April 04, 2008
Alternative Energy Use!
cheapest car, the Tata Nano. The no frills Nano, which is expected to retail
for about 2500 dollars, is built for the common man and is an attempt to
give peple in developing nations a chance to purchase a four-wheeled
vehicle. The four-door five-seater car has no air conditioning, electric
windows or power steering, but Tata says that they are expecting high sales
in the upcoming years as lndians benefit from increased consumer wealth
and a fast-growing economy.Tata' s launch of the Nano had come under
fire from critics alleging that the cheap car will only worsen lndia's traffic
and pollution problems, but Tata says its car has passed emission standards
and will average about 23 kiloneters to the liter.
Congratulations to an A* Team
We were crowned:
Best Decorated Stall
Best Earning Stall
Nothing is impossible when creative minds mix with passion and dedication.
This is the most invaluable lesson for all of us this year.
It has been my greatest pleasure to work with 34 enthusiastic and driven pupils of 6 Grace.
Merci mille fois!