Sunday, April 27, 2008


When I was in primary 1, I didn't study in Singapore but in China in a school called Utahloy International School. There, I made two best friends and several other friends (or so-called friends).

grade 1.
In that level, I met my first best friend. His name was Alexander Ringrose (short form would be Alex Ringrose) an Australian. He was one of those kind of guys that had probably anti-girl spray all over himself and with crusty snot all over his nose and who drank yogurt for lunch leaving him with a white moustache.

Well, during recess,we would just walk around, find some girls to play pranks on and then running away from a bunch of mad girls laughing our head off at the same time. (Back then I was a total devil). At other times, we would be so bored lazy that we would pop into the school libary and doodle on the scrap paper and make them into paper airplanes to throw around. But of course, in friendship there is sure to be some ups and downs!

A very perfect example would be the time when I was first introduced to soccer. I would stroll into the soccer field to join a game or get my teeth knocked off. But then, Alex couldn't follow me because of his brittle bones. Then he would whine about it and then it will get real 'emo'. But being good friends, we were able to patch up the holes in our friendship and become good friends again.

BUT, just as we were becoming super good friends, I recieved a piece of very devastating news.

My best friend was going back to his home country. Back then, I felt like breaking down and crying till the end of the world. But, as the saying goes, you gotta move on in life! So I said my final goodbyes and moved on.

It didn't stop there though.

grade 3
I met my second best friend, and his name was Gabriel. Unlike Alex, he was from Hong Kong. And, he was a total maths genius - plump with stubby legs and quite weird - a soccer whiz. He also had a squeaky vioce but the best thing was that we took the same school bus! Then, we waged a mini war with my brother and his friend almost every day. But as people also say, your friends will influence you. True enough, he turned me into an angel! (except for my chinese heehee) He was like a grade 1 friend. Those who would stay with you through good and bad days.

But then, it was my turn to leave the school.

So here I am, in Singapore, studying in a government school. I conclude that you got to know how to pick your friends. Advice? Don't befriend people who always pick on you or alway try to harm you. Go for those friends who defend you from bullies no matter what and help you in your studies. And of course, if you quarrel with your best friend, don't unleash your anger straight at him - even better, reason out with him. Best still, be friends with those who are total angels! They will help you in your life and act as a big brother to you.
Hate to confess - I haven't met any friend like that yet.

So whatever you do, remember friendship is important!

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Congratulations to an A* Team

6 Grace triumphed this year for Bukit Timah Primary Open-House 2008!
We were crowned:
Best Decorated Stall
Best Earning Stall
Nothing is impossible when creative minds mix with passion and dedication.
This is the most invaluable lesson for all of us this year.
It has been my greatest pleasure to work with 34 enthusiastic and driven pupils of 6 Grace.
Merci mille fois!