Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Simple Machines

This simple machine is a water faucet at the toilet (can't take picture so i took it from the internet...same thing anyway...quite blur)

This faucet has two types of simple incline plane, (front and back of faucet) and wheel & axle(top) determines the flowing of the water out of it (obvious).

The incline plane(back) is necessary because we need to turn it tight onto the pipe if not water would not be flowing out of it...and the front is for the person to wash clothes...or others (etc). the person can also use a hose and connect it to the faucet to extend it...

another simple machine..the wheel & axle...basically,the blue (so-called) extended ..which is slightly different from the normal ones...
(those round 'wheels') it is extended so the person has to exert a little amount of force to turn on the tap...but the effort of course has to travel a longer distance than the load...(i think thats all)

if you people out there are still using the old kind of faucet..i recommend you to buy the faucet i'm using as it is convinient and efficient!!!!TRY ONE!!!!

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Congratulations to an A* Team

6 Grace triumphed this year for Bukit Timah Primary Open-House 2008!
We were crowned:
Best Decorated Stall
Best Earning Stall
Nothing is impossible when creative minds mix with passion and dedication.
This is the most invaluable lesson for all of us this year.
It has been my greatest pleasure to work with 34 enthusiastic and driven pupils of 6 Grace.
Merci mille fois!