Wednesday, June 25, 2008
The simple machine i found is a door wedge.Do you know that actually a door wedge is an inclined plane??(i found this on the web.) A door wedge,can separate thick and hard materials, such as wood, including solid stone and hard metals, with much less force, less waste of material, and more precision, than crushing.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
homework #1
OK, since i am late i'll just give a simple tool: a knife. the knife is classified as a inclined plane as the sides are sloped to create a wedge which we can use to cut with. the smaller the angle of the inclined plane, the sharper it is. 
Friday, June 20, 2008
Simple machines.
Okay I just woke up so this isn't the best piece of work I can make. Sorry for the late post... I've been very busy in Jkt. The simple machine I'm going to write about is the lever. The item? Tongs. It's fulcrum is at the end and the effort in the middle. Load is at the other end. To make it simple it's like this : LEF... Now, as the load moves over a larger distance than the effort and since the action occurs at the same time, the load actually moves faster. Okay, I forgot to add ONE point. This type of lever is actually the third-class lever. In third class levers, effort is applied between the load on one end and the fulcrum on the opposite end. How does these tongs make our lives easier? Well, it helps to not pick up rubbish by your hand, put coal in the barbecue grill or even take it out. In simple, the tongs helps us by picking up and gripping things. The few of the many types of tongs are: sugar-tongs, asparagus-tongs, blacksmith's tongs and crucible-tongs.
Note: Okay... this is sooo not my style of writing... I'm like a buisnesswoman with no sense of humour.... sorry.
Note: Okay... this is sooo not my style of writing... I'm like a buisnesswoman with no sense of humour.... sorry.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Homework 1 ONE uno wha'dya want?
First, a fan screw. Its used on a fan to adjust how high you want it 2 be. A fan screw is an inclined plane.With its big 'head' you can turn it more easily compared to your average screw.
Above is a pic of my ye olde GBA SP.( Its only there coz the Blogger system stubbornly refuses to put the pic at the bottom)There is a gear at the little blue circle just below the top section(you see it? its right there...........)The gear is used for flipping the top section.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Simple Machine
1.Spoons and Fork.They belong to the lever category of simple machines.The fulcrum is in the middle while load and effort are infront.Fulcrum is something that the object lean on , in this case,our hand.Our index finger and thumb hold the spoon/fork which will be the effort while the load is ,of course,our food.
I have also draw out where the wheel and axle are.When we turn the axle which is also the handle,the wheel will turn and garden hose will extend by rolling out more and more .Since the axle (where effort is apply)travel a longer distance than wheel,it reduce effort .
3.Chopstick,i know Wei Jie had done them but it is the first i idea i have come up and i have written a lot notes on them,so i decided to put it in anyway.
Chopsticks itself is not really a lever,but when we use it,it can be consider as a lever.(had check with tuition teacher)When we use the chopsticks, the fulcrum is in the middle while effort and load is infront.This type of lever involve a larger effort to move them load ,the effort and load also move in the same direction.Take a pair of chopsticks and try this to see if it is really a lever.The middle part of chopsticks leans against in between your thumb and index finger which will be fulcrum while effort is apply by your fingers.The load,of course,is your food!
So this is a simple machine that is not really a simple machine.It is only a simple machine when we use it,and not a simple machine when it is not in use.
homework1 (science)
The fixed pulley
Some curtains use a fixed pulley to open and close the curtain. It is of great help as it changes the direction of a force, making it easier to open and close a curtain, and also the distance moved by the effort is same as the distance moved by the load. So whenever you want a curtain open ,just pull the string that is attached to it.
Some curtains use a fixed pulley to open and close the curtain. It is of great help as it changes the direction of a force, making it easier to open and close a curtain, and also the distance moved by the effort is same as the distance moved by the load. So whenever you want a curtain open ,just pull the string that is attached to it.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
my door knob its has a wheel and axle inside like there are two axle and one wheel and the axle is coverd by the knob so when u turn the knob or push it down the wheel in the middle will mover henceforth opening the door.(iam not sure if my explanation is detailed...^-^)
another wheel and axle is the clock on the wall the axle is smaller than the wheel in diameter.The axle is in the clock , in the concealed part.
a lever is a crowbar. I dont know why is it in my house but its just in there.when we use it to open crates that are tightly sealed during that moment the crowbard is counted a lever. by the lucky the minituare schnauzer .
homework 1
1. The switch, is an everyday tool that we use. And, the simple machine that is used is the lever. The fulcrum is in the middle of the switch while the effort is on the side of the switch while the load turn the switch on!
The lever helps us by reducing the amount of effort needed for the job or or it can move the load a longer distance depending on where the fulcrum is.
2. The door stopper is a very effective simple machine that is used to prevent the doors from moving. It is actually an inclined plane that is wedged right between the floor and the door which in turn, will prevent the door from moving!
3. The can opener is a ingenious device that allows you to open up your cans with ease. It has gears inside which turns the blade inside when you turn the handle.
4. there is a type of ceiling fans that need you need to pull some string to change the speed which, uses pulleys!!When you pull the string, you also pull something inside the fan to change the speed!
the three days at school
during the first three days at school we spent the first day at school doing english we played games and did some work like doing each others compo.the second day is maths, we did some challenging questions with our teamates and finally the third day we spent time doing science we did many experiments and had a great class party bash at the end of school.we had so uch fun during the three days at school during the holidays.
Friday, June 13, 2008

I took this picture from the internet.The chopsticks is a lever.The point where two chopsticks crossed is the pivot of the lever.In ancient times, our ancestors liked to steam or boil food. It was difficult for them to use spoons to dip vegetables in the soup.So they invented the chopsticks as it is easier for them to use it to dip vegetables.We hold the chopsticks with our thumb, index finger, middle finger and third finger. One stick is against your third finger and the other leans on your middle finger.When we pick the food, we use our index finger and middle finger to control the chopsticks and nip food.It will be hard to keep using spoon if they did not invent it.

A foot pump is a lever.The foot pump allows us to use our legs to pump vehicle tires,inflatable toys , athletic balls and more!Using our leg to pump a ball is easier than using our hands.The foot pump has an air pressure guage which lets us see the air pressure of the object that you are pumping.The further the effort from the fulcrum the lesser the effort is needed to push the pedal down.The foot pump has a base to help support it.
Homework 1

Broom - lever
The fulcrum is in the middle and the load is litter. The effort is the force applied at the lever.
A lever can help us to do work with less effort or in less time.
A lever can help us to do work with less effort or in less time.
For a lever to move a load in less time, the distance moved by the fort should be smaller than the distance moved by the load. More effort is also needed. To make all these happen, we could use a longer lever.
Example: a longer broom can clear the same litter in less time as the longer broom makes the load travel a greater distance.
-The picture is uploaded from the internet.
Simple but verrrrrrrryyy useful machine!!!!!!!!!!!!
Speaking of simple machines this is what I've found.
Nirmal Kumar
Homework 1
inclined plane
i am not quite sure , but i suppose so ... the bathroom ,when u bathe ,water goes down the drain the floor is always slanted to let the water go down the drain ( is it counted?)it lets the water flow properly instead of letting it stay "flooding". i just thought of it .
the HOLE PUNCHER !the lever arm is the effort , the fulcrum is in the middle and the load is the paper . the bottom acts as a base to help to push it down and collect the paper . a bigger hole puncher is easier to use as less effort is needed although it is bulky .when you press the "arm" of it , it cuts through the paper and thats it !
the bicycle .the wheels have gears and a chain is connected .the pedal also affects the distance travelled within a pedal because the bigger the wheel , the longer the distance ,it is involved in wheel and axle .
i am not quite sure , but i suppose so ... the bathroom ,when u bathe ,water goes down the drain the floor is always slanted to let the water go down the drain ( is it counted?)it lets the water flow properly instead of letting it stay "flooding". i just thought of it .
the HOLE PUNCHER !the lever arm is the effort , the fulcrum is in the middle and the load is the paper . the bottom acts as a base to help to push it down and collect the paper . a bigger hole puncher is easier to use as less effort is needed although it is bulky .when you press the "arm" of it , it cuts through the paper and thats it !
the bicycle .the wheels have gears and a chain is connected .the pedal also affects the distance travelled within a pedal because the bigger the wheel , the longer the distance ,it is involved in wheel and axle .
Thursday, June 12, 2008
It is the curtain. It is consist of 2 fixed pully which is place one on top and one at the bottom.It will have a string attached to the two pulley.
When one of the string is pulled down, the curtain will move. It helps the person to move over a short distance and use lesser effort to move the curtain(load).
Without it, we have to walk a long way...
When one of the string is pulled down, the curtain will move. It helps the person to move over a short distance and use lesser effort to move the curtain(load).
Without it, we have to walk a long way...
Homework 1
speaking of my house, i knew nearly everything in every litttle corner of my house... let's start from my kitchen! oh ya, there is the clothes hanger it consist of pulley but not sure (fixed pulley,movable puley or the pully system) i think is fixed pulley?ok! it has the duty of hanging my clothes, whithout it that will be my end of life! i think...=) now walking towards my 100 more years old fans(at least should have 10 years old!!) i think the blade is the axle? and the hub is the this the end of my house? of course not! the next place we are visiting is my bedroom! there is the curtain which is also made up of pulley!i use it everyday when the intensity of light increase everyday! it is the end of the 1 day tour around my house hehe=) byes please pardon me if i write any wrong facts or offended someone =)
The simple machine I've found in my house is the SCISSORS. It makes use of the simple machine principle called ''lever''.It is used to cut things, from paper to meat. The fulcrum is found in the middle, and the effort is placed on the handle of the scissors. The load is then placed in between the blades. When an effort is applied to the scissors with a load on it, the sharp blades of the scissors will ''squeeze'' the load, causing the load to split. The amount used to cut a load varies according to the SIZE of the load , STRENGTH of it and SHARPNESS of the blade. Of course, if you try to take a pair of scissors to cut a COCONUT, then you should not expect the coconut to even have a single scratch on it. Also, if you use a 10 year old saftey scissors, then you should not even expect to cut CARDBOARD!!! The main difference between a pair of saftey siccors and a pair of metal scissors is that the saftey scissors are generally more blunt, and could not cut most hard materials like cardboard, whereas the metal scissors could cut most things, like hard cardboard, which the saftey scissors could not.
The simple machine I found was the FAN. You know,the one that helps us to save electricity and money by using it instead of the air-conditioner! By examining the blades and mechanism that makes them spin, i found out that the blades of the fan are actually connected to a central "hub"
where a simple machine which resembles a wheel and axle spins the "hub". Causing the blades to spin!
The main difference between a traditional wheel and axle and the Fan's wheel and axle is the facet that the traditional one uses good old fashioned muscle power while the Fan's one is spun by a electrical motor instead of some burly guy's arm!
( Could not paste picture as a virus wiped my hard drive blanker than a magnetised disc. I had reinstall everything! )
where a simple machine which resembles a wheel and axle spins the "hub". Causing the blades to spin!
The main difference between a traditional wheel and axle and the Fan's wheel and axle is the facet that the traditional one uses good old fashioned muscle power while the Fan's one is spun by a electrical motor instead of some burly guy's arm!
( Could not paste picture as a virus wiped my hard drive blanker than a magnetised disc. I had reinstall everything! )
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Simple Machines

This simple machine is a water faucet at the toilet (can't take picture so i took it from the internet...same thing anyway...quite blur)
This faucet has two types of simple incline plane, (front and back of faucet) and wheel & axle(top) determines the flowing of the water out of it (obvious).
The incline plane(back) is necessary because we need to turn it tight onto the pipe if not water would not be flowing out of it...and the front is for the person to wash clothes...or others (etc). the person can also use a hose and connect it to the faucet to extend it...
another simple machine..the wheel & axle...basically,the blue (so-called) extended ..which is slightly different from the normal ones...
(those round 'wheels') it is extended so the person has to exert a little amount of force to turn on the tap...but the effort of course has to travel a longer distance than the load...(i think thats all)
if you people out there are still using the old kind of faucet..i recommend you to buy the faucet i'm using as it is convinient and efficient!!!!TRY ONE!!!!
Homework 1
I have found a simple machine. Its the water faucet. I'm sorry i cant take a picture of it and i do not know how to place a picture there. Anyway the water faucet has 2 types of simple machine. It has an inclined plane and a wheel axle. For the wheel and axle, the effort has to move a longer distance than the load but the effort used is lesser than the amount needed to push the tap up for the water to come out of the tap. As for the inclined plane, we people turn the tap to either close it or to switch it on. If it is not closed, it water would be flowing out endlessly. Thanks for reading this and hope you understand what i said.
Pulley System - Clothes Hanger

This clothes hanger is made of a pulley system that consists of a fixed pulley seen at the top - attached to the ceiling and a movable pulley seen at the bottom that determines the height at which the clothes are hung.
The fixed pulley is necessary as the person (standing below) exerts an effort (pulling string) that makes the load (clothes) go in the opposite direction.
The movable pulley reduces effort used but the trade-off for less effort is that the effort must travel a longer distance than the load. - meaning you will have to pull the string for a longer distance than the distance that the clothes will move up.
If you have one at home, try it out.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
3days which ROCKED!!
The first day we played many fun games like the awesome Wheel of Fortune , continuing a story and for some 'medium shy', charades (word might be spelled wrongly). I have learnt to think quick on my feet and also to be less shy. I enjoyed having to do experiments on the last day rather than reading it in books! They have taught me more about science and that teamwork and cooperation is needed to finish an experiment too.
The 3 days at school
The first day we sat in a circle and played some games and it was fun, we had to use our cards if not we will have to get into the arena and make people buy the item you are selling.The second day we sat in fours and do some maths questions and my teacher scold wei zhi for not paying attention but actually he was sick.The third day, we did hands on activities and at the end of the day our class had a party.I enjoy the lessons.
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Hi Kiddies - from Hong Kong
Well at last I'm enjoying a bit of a BREAK!
You may not know his but these first 2 terms have been extremely taxing for me!! What with the 36 of you and the Science department and RSVP and whta not.....
Anyway, you know what - there is now 1 term left before the big day - shall I say the Big Days! One more intensive term of preparation and we'll be there!
I hope you all are having lots of fun. Do share what you've been up to these past few days. As for me I've left poor Fifi behind at the Pet Hotel - I'll hear all about it when I'm back from the 'lady' herself.
Until then, aurevoir.
Mrs Chien
You may not know his but these first 2 terms have been extremely taxing for me!! What with the 36 of you and the Science department and RSVP and whta not.....
Anyway, you know what - there is now 1 term left before the big day - shall I say the Big Days! One more intensive term of preparation and we'll be there!
I hope you all are having lots of fun. Do share what you've been up to these past few days. As for me I've left poor Fifi behind at the Pet Hotel - I'll hear all about it when I'm back from the 'lady' herself.
Until then, aurevoir.
Mrs Chien
Friday, June 06, 2008
The holiday programme was awesome!!!!!!!The arena was so cool.(can't u see my actions of a kitten -.-"""""""""""""")I luv the maths day the most!!!
Finding patterns to me is peanuts (uhmm not bragging ahh ^.^)And for the science , i did the one with the boiling water. The water was so HOT!!!i nearly scalded my hand!!!And i find it amazing that we finsihed the lunch in 12minutes(maybe a world record hahahah!!)
Finding patterns to me is peanuts (uhmm not bragging ahh ^.^)And for the science , i did the one with the boiling water. The water was so HOT!!!i nearly scalded my hand!!!And i find it amazing that we finsihed the lunch in 12minutes(maybe a world record hahahah!!)
Thursday, June 05, 2008
I'm in the polluted capital land of Indonesia!!!
Like what the title of my post says... I'm in the polluted capital land of indonesia AKA Jakarta, my homeland.!!! Seriously. You can't see even a tinge of blue in the skies! Only grey, grey and more grey. Here's another thing. NO CLOUDS NOR STARS o(T.T)o!!! Nevertheless, I love my homeland. I'll try describing my house.... there are two gardens, one outside and one inside (no roof on top) In the garden that is inside, there's a pond. With differently shaped and sizes (but still greedy) fishes inside. The living room has been turned into a shop and the kitchen is ... well, a kitchen. There used to be a super large storeroom which plays an important role in my life (that's another story). Now, that room is the "training room" where my Mother teaches about jewelry. Outside my house, there is a little... transportable mini shop... here, we call it a warung. These warungs are all over the place! The next few paragraphs are going to be about... different timelines.
Present: Presently, I am sitting at the beads bar. On the stool. Bored out of my mind, trying to do something productive and writing this. My mum's shop is known as the beadz. They're main concept is a bar. Look over at the chatbox and you'll know what I usually do...
PAST: Hm... let me see. Ah yes! My family (except my dad), friends and relatives went to the karaoke-ing since it was my sister's birthday yesterday... me and my sister's friend went crazy doing duets and stuff. (I don't need to go to the point do I?) If you read about the storeroom playing an important role in my life, it's because... I got stuck in there when I accidentaly locked myself in. Me being very extremely young, I couldn't open the door. After that, I learnt to, never fiddle with doors even when in your own home. xP
Future: Once my cousins get a holiday, I'll be going fishing with them! Wish me good luck! Oh and, megan, I might not be in Singapore and I might not be able to get time on the com so... HAPPY EARLY B'DAY!!! (Also to those whose birthdays are in June!!!)
Reasons to why I am writing this: I am bored. I want to do something productive. I want to share my life here with you guys! I want to practice writing without digressing... I hope I'm getting better since I always digress UNCONCIOUSLY. Did I mention it's because I am bored?
Visit me in Jakarta if you're here or if you're going here in the future! (And in the future, If I'm here!)
I'll try to post some pictures of the shop's opening and the house (On june 14th) !!!
Mrs chien, you may delete this if you want... or you can edit some parts... Oh and please tell me if I'm digressing!!!!
-Fauzia (Signing off... Bye!!!)
Present: Presently, I am sitting at the beads bar. On the stool. Bored out of my mind, trying to do something productive and writing this. My mum's shop is known as the beadz. They're main concept is a bar. Look over at the chatbox and you'll know what I usually do...
PAST: Hm... let me see. Ah yes! My family (except my dad), friends and relatives went to the karaoke-ing since it was my sister's birthday yesterday... me and my sister's friend went crazy doing duets and stuff. (I don't need to go to the point do I?) If you read about the storeroom playing an important role in my life, it's because... I got stuck in there when I accidentaly locked myself in. Me being very extremely young, I couldn't open the door. After that, I learnt to, never fiddle with doors even when in your own home. xP
Future: Once my cousins get a holiday, I'll be going fishing with them! Wish me good luck! Oh and, megan, I might not be in Singapore and I might not be able to get time on the com so... HAPPY EARLY B'DAY!!! (Also to those whose birthdays are in June!!!)
Reasons to why I am writing this: I am bored. I want to do something productive. I want to share my life here with you guys! I want to practice writing without digressing... I hope I'm getting better since I always digress UNCONCIOUSLY. Did I mention it's because I am bored?
Visit me in Jakarta if you're here or if you're going here in the future! (And in the future, If I'm here!)
I'll try to post some pictures of the shop's opening and the house (On june 14th) !!!
Mrs chien, you may delete this if you want... or you can edit some parts... Oh and please tell me if I'm digressing!!!!
-Fauzia (Signing off... Bye!!!)
Monday, June 02, 2008
3 days at school
When I woke up on the first day of this go-back-to-school-on-the-holidays programme, I was full with dread as did'nt know what to expect. So when I entered the classroom, I was very suprised to find the tables and chair arranged into a arena! Well, to cut it short, we played a short game called charades (I had to act out the phrase farting fear pie) I felt little embarrassed!
The next day, we did maths. Mrs Chien also introduced more on visualisation problems which we did throughout the day. At first I had a little bit of problem trying to visualising the problems, but I managed through.
The last day we did science. Mrs Chien prepared 2 experiments for us. The experiment that I did was based on the topic light. But no matter how we placed the torchlight, the datalogger still did not pick up any signs of light. But then the aroma of the pizzas wafted into my nose as it was brought in. We probably could have been in the guinness book world records for the fastest class party which lasted only for 12 minutes!Imanaged to eat 3 slices of pizza and gulped down lots of pepsi,coke,fanta,and juice. (I got a stomachache after that) What I do conclude that, those three days were the best!!!!
Sunday, June 01, 2008
now i am in taiwan's north part. (in a hotel, duh!!!) and the first thing i noticed was steam coming from the drains!!! siad(or told) me that it was from the hot springs downstairs. it turned out it was right. to go into the hot springs, you will have to go in naked!!!! but for all the perverts out there, the girl and boys do not share the same spring bath(don't you know what is privacy!!!!). iwill write more when there is time and internet.
P.S. i haven't started me homework yet. AHEM!!!!
P.S. i haven't started me homework yet. AHEM!!!!
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Congratulations to an A* Team
6 Grace triumphed this year for Bukit Timah Primary Open-House 2008!
We were crowned:
Best Decorated Stall
Best Earning Stall
Nothing is impossible when creative minds mix with passion and dedication.
This is the most invaluable lesson for all of us this year.
It has been my greatest pleasure to work with 34 enthusiastic and driven pupils of 6 Grace.
Merci mille fois!
We were crowned:
Best Decorated Stall
Best Earning Stall
Nothing is impossible when creative minds mix with passion and dedication.
This is the most invaluable lesson for all of us this year.
It has been my greatest pleasure to work with 34 enthusiastic and driven pupils of 6 Grace.
Merci mille fois!