Friday, May 30, 2008

Three days of fun fun fun!

These 3 days were AWESOME!

I absolutely loved the english and maths activities!!
The english waas funny yet enriching and the maths was an interesting change from your usual back breaking-skull numbing work!
The party we had on the last day was great too! My mum told me that the some people were actually JEALOUS!! Imagine that!
For me however, my science day was a pain.

List of Pains (X_X)

1. Box was not set up properly
2.Ernest made a REALLY big hole in the box by accident.( whoops )
3.A sharp object flew in the air and almost stabbed my eye open ( REALLY BAD whoops )
4.torch light was missing ( whoops )
5.Kai ler and james, who were operating the data logger disappeared
and so ernest and I had absolutely NO IDEA how to work the data logger.
6.Fish tank emptied 1 quarter of its contents on my shoes
7.Lucille almost tore my finger nail off.
8.2 of 3 guppies went suspiciously MISSING......maybe that pile of bones and satisfied lobster are related.......
9.lucille grace died.......ate puffer fish and went into .....dreamland.( sniff.....sob......)

Overall, everything was just fine!

Here is a mean joke: what is dark and bleak? answer: Your future!

What do you learn from that?
  1. Plan before attempting investigation
  2. If given a chance, change team members!
  3. Lucky says ' when in doubt, walk around and learn form others' and he is spot on correct!

Thanks a million to your team - Lucky, Fear Pie for helping to bring our beloved Lucille 2 home. Never mind what happened next because YOU did your best to care for her. You are brilliant! (Mrs Chien)

1 comment:

6grace said...

That's fantastic that you enjoyed all those visual questions - so now you know that you'll enjoy your maths paper - ok not enjoy - but you know that actually you might be quite good at it!

Forgive me I edited some minor part of your post.

And that is really a bleak joke!!

Sop her is another one: What can you expect out of a bleak and dark future?

Shooting Stars (ok a bit lame)

Congratulations to an A* Team

6 Grace triumphed this year for Bukit Timah Primary Open-House 2008!
We were crowned:
Best Decorated Stall
Best Earning Stall
Nothing is impossible when creative minds mix with passion and dedication.
This is the most invaluable lesson for all of us this year.
It has been my greatest pleasure to work with 34 enthusiastic and driven pupils of 6 Grace.
Merci mille fois!