Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Excellent Sentence Structures - SA1 2008

By Clarissa Lim

Herbal tea in hand, I followed closely behind my mother.

In unison, we rushed to see what happened.

With expected efficiency, the tow-truck and the ambulance arrived minutes later.

Having no transportation, we hired a taxi to send the driver to the hospital.

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Congratulations to an A* Team

6 Grace triumphed this year for Bukit Timah Primary Open-House 2008!
We were crowned:
Best Decorated Stall
Best Earning Stall
Nothing is impossible when creative minds mix with passion and dedication.
This is the most invaluable lesson for all of us this year.
It has been my greatest pleasure to work with 34 enthusiastic and driven pupils of 6 Grace.
Merci mille fois!